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Quality Information

Baptist Health Deaconess Madisonville is committed to delivering high-quality care and providing you with reliable, easy-to-understand information about how we compare to our peers. This information comes from independent, third party sources, like Hospital Compare, and will give you a “snapshot” of the quality of care at Baptist Health Deaconess Madisonville. Information on the following aspects is included in the report:

General Information: Name, address, telephone number, type of hospital, and other general information about the hospital.

Patients’ experiences: How recently discharged patients responded to a national survey about their hospital experience. For example, how well did a hospital’s doctors and nurses communicate with patients and manage their pain?

Timely & effective care: How often and quickly each hospital gives recommended treatments for certain conditions like heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia, children’s asthma, stroke, influenza, and blood clots, and follows best practices to prevent surgical complications.


  • How likely patients will suffer from complications while in the hospital or after having certain inpatient surgical procedures.
  • How often patients in the hospital get certain serious conditions that could have been prevented if the hospital followed procedures based on best practices and scientific evidence.

Readmissions & deaths: How each hospital’s performance on the readmission and death (mortality) measures compares to the national rate.

Use of medical imaging: How a hospital uses outpatient medical imaging tests (like CT scans and MRIs).

Payment & value of care:

  • How each hospital’s payment for heart attack patients, payment for heart failure patients, and payment for pneumonia patients compares to the national average payment for each condition.
  • Information on measures of payments and patient outcomes together allows for an assessment of a hospital’s value of care.
  • Medicare Spending per Beneficiary

These statistics and descriptions do not begin to represent all there is to know about the quality of hospitals. Therefore, you should not attempt to choose a hospital based solely on statistics and descriptions such as those in this report. 

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