Pastoral Care
While in the hospital, patients may be comforted by a visit from a member of Baptist Health Deaconess's pastoral care staff. Pastoral care staff attends to the spiritual and emotional needs of patients, families and staff, regardless of religious affiliation or non-affiliation.
As part of the healthcare team, chaplains are available to counsel hospital patients and their loved ones and to consult with other healthcare staff. Chaplains may also provide religious resources and assist in keeping religious practices and observances.
If you would like the Chaplain to visit you, please dial 5205, or ask your nurse for assistance. Our chapel is located near the visitor elevators on the first floor of the hospital and is open 24 hours a day.
Your personal clergyperson, faith community leader or spiritual counselor is always welcome in the hospital. Because of federal privacy laws, you or a family member must contact your church family to tell them you are in the hospital.