Medication Safety
Asking Questions is Your Rx for Safe Medication Use
At Baptist Health Deaconess Madisonville , we have extensive systems in place for promoting medication safety. As a member of your treatment team, you also have a role in this process. Please keep your medication list current and know the medications that you are currently taking.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t understand something, please speak up! While at a facility, never be afraid to ask what medications you are being given and why. If you don’t understand something about your medication or treatment plan, it’s our job to explain it until it is clear. See below for questions you should ask your medical providers.
- Take time to read the label. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your health. Read drug labels and any related materials to learn a drug’s purpose, its potential side effects, and instructions for use.
- Get better faster by following directions. Taking medications as directed increases their effectiveness. Listen closely to your treatment provider’s instructions regarding all medications, ask any questions you may have, and follow those instructions. Taking medication appropriately is a key to improving your health.
- Only you can provide us with feedback. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists know drugs, but only you know how you are feeling. Let us know immediately if you have doubts about a medication’s effectiveness, or if you start to experience negative side effects.
Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Team
- What medication are you giving me? Why am I taking this medication? Are there side effects I should know about? Does this replace one that I’m already taking?
- When and how should I take this medication? What is the proper dosage? What happens if I miss a dose?
- Can this medicine be taken safely with my other prescriptions? Does it interact with any over-the-counter medications, vitamin and mineral supplements, caffeine, or alcohol?
- How should I store this medicine? Is it a particular risk to children?
- How do I contact you if I have a question or concern?